Presentations of 25th Anniversary Event

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Europlatforms wants to share the relevant information of the 25th Anniversary Event celebraed in Munich past May 10th. So, attached it is possible to download the presentations made in the event.

Mr. Kent Bentzen – 1st Vice President Europlatforms – FDT (Denmark)

Background for and Perspective of establishing Europlatforms EEIG

Mr. Pablo Hoya – President Europlatforms

Present functions and objectives of Europlatforms EEIG

Mr. Thomas Nobel – 2nd Vice President Europlatforms – DGG (Germany)

25 Years Freight Villages: Experiences in Germany and Europe

Invited Area. Vorsino (Russia)

Freight Village Vorsino

Round Table.

Mr. Manuel Fco. Martinez – General Secretary Europlatforms

Future of Logistic Platforms.

Mr. Vicente Gavara – Technological Institute of Energy (Spain)

Urban Distribution. New Role.