EUROPLATFORMS President, Ignacio Alvarez-Ossorio, and Vice-President, Kent Bentzen have attended an important meeting with DG-MOVE and TEN-T Corridor Coordinators in Brussels, Oct. 21.
EUROPLATFORMS has attended this meeting, as other major European representative associations of the transport and logistic sector. The agenda included the presentation of the present situation of the process for the definition of the working plans of the nine Core Network Corridors and discussion with the stakeholders.
In this way, EUROPLATFORMS has joined other infrastructure managers (ports, rail, road and airport) in order to transmit the European Commission the point of view of the sector in relation with the design and the development of the Core Network Corridors of the TEN-T.
Europlatforms has defended the need to include the logistics platforms as key infrastructure in the Core Network Corridors, in order to provide adequate space to articulate the linear transport networks, facilitate modal interchange, and integrate logistics and transportation activities, as well as complementary services.