Europlatforms was present by the representation of the President in the Open Conference called “High-level Conference on European Multimodal Freight Transport – better Transport Connectivity” that was held in the frame of the “2018 year of the Multimodality”
The meeting was open for the EU Commissioner for Transport, Violeta Bulc, who emphasises the idea of connection between of the part of the Logistic Chain and also the digitalisation.
In the Session 1 it was address the digitalization in order to achieve the integration of the multimodal transport.
After this, in the Session 2: the connectivity between port and inland port was addressed especially the rail connection.
At the end of this 2nd Panel and under the moderation of Mr. Matthew Baldwin and with Miss Bulc in the audience, the Europlatforms representative pointed out the idea that Multimodality is important in the context of the Logistic Chain, and, in this
context, the classification “Core and Comprehensive” has no sense anymore.
Additionally, he pointed out that in this kind of Multimodality Forum, European Logistics Platforms must be represented and the Logistics Platforms position should be heard, because we –Logistic Platforms- have a large knowledge whether Logistics
Chain or multimodality.
This comment was quite controversial and some of the audience expressed their agreement and Mr. Baldwin asked to the President for further information regarding the topic.