The Center of Studies of Transport in Occidental Med (CETMO) and Europlatforms has signed in the SIL 2018 an agreement with the objective to share knowledge and experiences of this two organizations, and to improve relationships between countries from both parts of the Mediterranean Sea in the context of transport and logistic.
The main objective is to improve the development of more efficients and competitive logistic chain that will allow social and economic growth in the areas represented by this two organizations. From this agreement, CETMO and EUTOPLATFORMS will coordinate their knowledge platforms to give information and orientation about logistic platforms to the interested and will explore options to organize a networking event to join groups of both parts of the Mediterranean Sea.
In other hand, both organizations will jointly contact with other actors implied in the mediterranean cooperation to promote this initiative and to include in their plans and action programs. In addition, they together will identify the more advance logistic platforms projects and will configure and new coordination unity to explore new cooperations fiels.